River Basin Model


In water resources planning, model technology has long been of great importance. Hydrological and hydraulic models are used because both the benefits and possible negative consequences of measures or changes are not easy to anticipate due to the often complex interactions. Models can determine both the short and long-term effects of meausres and changes on the water balance. The models must be able to reproduce and accurately simulate structural changes and operational aspects, and the results must be presented clearly. Of particular importance is the consideration of entire river basins, not only in order to comply with EU Water Framework Directive.

A simple precipitation-runoff model is often not sufficient to represent an entire river basin with its complex interactions. A river basin model should therefore have the option of also showing the hydraulic engineering infrastructure, such as dams, canals and dividing structures, as well as their operation, i.e. the control and regulation of the structures. The modeling of water quality parameters is also becoming increasingly important.

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