Flow Network Map

Empty flow network map with default system outlet element and system element bar

The flow network map provides a schematic overview of the river basin model. The system elements are represented by the symbols and the flow relations between them (system logic) are illustrated by the arrows.

When a scenario is activated, the corresponding flow network map opens automatically. An empty scenario contains an empty flow network map with the system outlet element as default.

Create New System Elements

To create new system elements, drag and drop them from the system elements bar onto the flow network map. The general system elements window, where a unique key must be entered, automatically opens. All other settings and descriptions in this window can be filled in later.

Moving System Elements

Existing system elements can be moved on the flow network map with drag and drop.

Connecting System Elements

To connect two existing system elements, the start element is dragged onto the target element, while holding down the Ctrl-key. If an element should hold several outflows, this process is performed several times. The first connection will automatically become outflow1, the second outflow2, and so on. If the sequence is to be changed, the connections must first be deleted and then recreated in the desired sequence. Alternatively, right-clicking on the start element -> Outflows can also be used to assign outflow elements and, thus, create a connection (see Outflows Tab).

Deleting Connections Between System Elements

Similarly to the procedure for creating new connections, existing connections can be deleted by dragging the start element to the target element while holding down the Ctrl-key. Existing connections can also be deleted by right-clicking the start element -> Outflows (see Outflows Tab).

Selecting System Elements

System elements within a rectangular area of the flow network map, can be selected, using the mouse. Right-clicking on a system element -> Select upstream elements allows you to select all system elements upstream of the selected element. Selecting system elements can be useful when using the automatic alignment of elements in the system plan (Menu View -> Align elements -> Top,...) or for editing a list of elements (Menu System -> Edit elements)

Moving the display area in the flow network overview

System plan section with overview

. The red frame shows the currently displayed section and where it is located in the overall system plan. It can be moved by Drag&Drop. With very large system plans, it is possible that not the whole system plan fits on the screen and only a section is displayed. In the system plan overview in the lower left corner the whole system plan is displayed in small size and the current section is marked with a red frame. The displayed section can be moved by dragging and dropping the red frame in the system plan overview.

Aligning Elements

Flow network

Checking flow network

Example for incorrect system logic and corresponding error messages

Via Menu System -> Flow Network Map -> Flow Network -> Check you can check if the system logic of each system element has connections according to its specifications. Missing outlet or inlet elements are displayed in the appearing window Error-Log: System Logic window.

Construct flow network automatically

Flow network overview on/off