Translations:Kontextmenü der Systemelemente/4/en

Menüpunkt bewirkt
data sheet Data Sheet of the respective system element opens
Identification The General Window of System Elements opens
Flow direction
Mark upper layer All system elements which are above or upstream of the system element are marked.
System state System State Window of the system element opens
Rules + Controls Control logic is displayed in the system plan. Acts only on the system element target level and on memory elements which are controlled.
Memory: State groups that control the storage element, directly at the storage element (yellow); all other state groups on the left side of the system plan (green); system states (green) at their system elements.
Target level: At the target level, all state groups are displayed and the system states are displayed at their system elements
Animation is no longer supported
Delete System element is deleted - including all connections and system states of the element.
Set as start element System element is defined as start element and marked with a red frame in the system plan. If a start element is defined, then after starting the simulation only the subsystem is simulated which has the start element as its lowest point, i.e. only the start element and its upper layers are simulated.
Define result output Window, in which the result output can be defined, opens. It is possible to output hydrographs and balances for the system elements.