Translations:SydroCmd Befehle/18/de

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If the search string is the keyword DATE, dynamic date replacement takes place:

  • The replace string must then be a date in the format yyyyMMddHHmm or Now.
  • In the sourcefile, the placeholder to be replaced must be given as follows: {DATE|ValidFormatstring|ValidNumber,DateInterval}, where
    • ValidFormatstring: a date format string consisting of e.g. yyyy, MM, dd, HH, mm (see here for more options)
    • ValidNumber: 0, +2, -5 or any other integer (adds/subtracts the number of years, months, days, hours, minutes as given with the number)
    • DateIntervall= y, M, d, h, m (is used to add the ValidNumber to the date)
Example: {DATE|dd|+1,d} with a replace date of 30/12/2017 results in 31 (given date + 1 day, expressed as date (dd)).